
Some Unknown Facts About Zipper Industry

We might think that zipper industry is a very tiny industry in compare to other textile sectors. There are many unknown facts about the existing zipper industry that we might be interested of. Though it is estimated that this industry is little but this is even bigger than you can imagine. We are going to discuss about this business in depth and reveling some unknown facts about the market size along with the largest zipper manufacturers in the world. How Big is Zipper Industry? Zipper industry is very big. At least we can say that it is bigger than our imagination.  According to Global Industry Analysis, zipper industry is estimated to be over $12 billion and expected to become $15 billion by 2025. We may understand by this figure that global zipper manufacturers are accounting a big responsibility and contributing to the global economy. There is a very interesting fact about this industry. One manufacturing company is producing almost 40% of the total zipper in the world a
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